Friday, October 06, 2006


What is the probability that the game will be over with the 6th ball?

I wasnt sure bout the answer. Was lookin at one of my classmates solving the questions on the board, n praying to god that dont let my roll number be generated today so that i dont have to solve any problem on the board.

Suddenly James was there. James also wanted to learn probability, or so i thought. He was pretty near the board. It was like he wanted to imbibe all the knowledge today itself.

But then how long can someone be captivated by probability. I cant. N i guess James also lost interest. So he started moving around.

We switched off the fans. For James sake. We didnt want James to be caught unaware by a moving fan.

James felt much at home in our class. He moved around. Then as a good friend sensing our requirement for a fan, he himself started pedalling the fan. God bless his soul. He moved it single handedly for bout a minute. But then how long could he continue without rest.

So he also stopped after a while and resumed listening to the class.

James is a pigeon.

Looking forward to meeting James in the next class too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

James, 10 more and you can start a religion.
I wonder what will be the fundas of your religion? Top 5 fundaisms of the anurag religion
1. It doesnt matter how late you come to class, you can always find a convenient seat. Lateness is not a problem anymore ;)
2. Crawling on your knees is an acceptable way to deal with things

Aaah you can keep thinking..I guess it would be the most universal religion...all plants and animals :)

9:46 AM  
Blogger Anurag said...

it would be beautiful isnt it...when everyone would follow the same religion :o)

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite a menagerie in there! what with you 'n lizard and the pigeon..'n the other birdbrains :D

2:15 PM  
Blogger Anurag said...

could not understand wat u said....use simpler language macha :o)

8:17 AM  

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