Sunday, October 01, 2006


do we have a reason for everything? like a reason for being happy, or for being sad, or for feeling down, or for feeling elated
do we need a reason for everything? why is it that whenever something happens we ask "How? Why?"
n why is it that many a time when the why question pops up, i am totally blank?
wasnt that question ironical? I am asking why is it that i cant answer why on so many occasions :o)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this MBA is driving you philosophical by the day.


12:50 AM  
Blogger Anurag said...

hey murthy
how are u dude
welcome to my blog :o)
n who told u i wasnt philosophical before...just that u didnt know :o)

1:08 PM  
Blogger mustang said...

i like the reasoning for the reason ... and thinking why is it so? ... another reason...!
food for thought!

3:56 PM  

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