a typical day in hong kong
now i havent taken a mobile connection here. and i am thanking myself for that. just yesterday one of my many bosses asked me for my mobile number. n there shone a smile on my face. had to hide it quickly to a sad expression, one showing, i understand u need to call me for work man, but want can i do, go f**k urself :o)
ok. so the alarm rings on the laptop. so i wake up after 15 mins ie 7:45, n shut down lappie.
now in 15 mins, i have a choice of brushing teeth, wearing the same pant i have been wearing for 3 weeks now, and one of the 4 shirts i have been rotating and wearin for 4 odd weeks now :o), wash my head, smoke a cig and limp my way to office (the revenge of the corn :o( )
sit down at the pot and ask the chicken curry to leave my rectum alone
i usually chose the former since i have to reach office by 8:30 for a conf call. shit can wait (and in hong kong shit does wait :o))
so i reach office by 8:30. attend the call, act as if i am attentively jotting down something, leave, go down 42 floors for a fag, build pressure, come back n crap (ah wat a releif).
one more reason i donot like this place, how can people live without washing their arses after crapping. i use up almost a quarter of a toilet paper bundle wiping my ass, and still it feels yuck (ek secret batata hoon, room par to shower se dho leta hoon...muwahahaaahaha)
haan, after these nitya kram comes the "work" part. format ppts, copy stuff from ppts to word and vice versa, make market updates, work on the summer project. the day moves on.
its interspersed by cig breaks. oh, the everyday lunch happens at mc donald's. wapas aake ....
she holds me down. i fight back up. she titilates me. shows me beautiful "things", i try to resist, but finally give in. after all i am a mere mortal. i also have desires and "needs"
The need to sleep is one of the primary needs of mortals like u n me, wouldnt u agree?
haan, the battle rages on, and finally the cig comes to the rescue. again the trip down the storeys and back up.
shaam hote hi dimaag kaam karna kam kar deta. coz i start waiting for night, where i can go back to my room, and wait for another day to get over :o)
now usually work comes in the evenings also (have been having work for the last two days actually)
but then again its a battle. whether it can beat me, or can i beat it. i keep lookin at the direction of all the bosses who usually give me work. are they coming my way?
if they are, is there that sarcastic smile in their eyes which say, yeh le bhos****ke, ab ch**wa apni shaam, muwahahahahahahaha
or are they just coming to kill time with the boss sitting next to me
or are they walking too busy to talk
or have they forgotten about the work they were to give me
or are they goin to the loo or to a meeting or something
now if the last two scenarios arise, i hv a choice
to wait or to escape from alcatraz
have chosen both many times :o)
for eg, one of my bosses takes a small pouch with him whenever he goes to shit. so when i see him taking that pouch, n if he was the one who was supposed to give me work (both conditions must hold, coz his shtting in the evening wont help me unless he is supposed to give me some work, which i can escape thanks to mother nature), then i again i have 3 choices
1. go and jam the toilet door so that he does not come back for half n hour n then i leave without feeling guilty
2. escape the moment he leaves (can be sure a person in the i banking sector, going to the loo wont come back in 4-5 mins)
3. wait for mother nature to be done with him, n then let him do me
have never tried the first alternative (would like to try it sometime...would have been so much easier had the doors had bolts both ways....lekih yaha to toilet me bhi security access lagta hai)
have definitely tried option 2 & 3 :o)
now if i choose to wait, sometimes i get work immediately, or i wait for nothing for an hour or two, no work, boss leaves, n then i curse myself for not choosing alternative 3 or much better alternative 1
on other days, get work, work till 9 or 10 odd, brain dies completely due to the "challenging" nature of the work, and usually beat it by 10:30 or 11
in room, come back, take a bath once in 2-3 days :o), switch on the tv, eat chicken curry n rice, n then sit down on the internet :o) (just like now)
now its anybody's guess which kind of day was today :o)
Labels: Daily Babble, Time-pass